Welcome to Vogue Leather Fashion! When you buy something on our website, you agree to these payment rules. Please read them before placing your order.
1. Payment Methods:
You can pay with credit/debit cards or PayPal. Payments are processed securely through trusted companies.
2. Currency:
All transactions are done in [USD, Euro, Pound, CAD, AUD]. Prices on our website are in [USD].
3. Payment Authorization:
By giving us your payment information, you allow us to charge the amount for your purchase. You confirm that you have the right to use the payment method.
4. Order Confirmation:
After you pay, you will get an email confirming your order. This email means we received your payment and are processing your order.
5. Payment Security:
Your payment details are handled securely by our payment processor. We do not keep your payment information on our servers.
6. Payment Errors:
If there are problems with your payment, like declined transactions or incorrect billing information, we will try to contact you to fix it. We may cancel your order if the issue can’t be resolved.
7. Pricing Changes:
We can change product prices at any time without notice. These changes won’t affect orders that have already been confirmed.
8. Refunds:
If you need a refund, it will go back to the original payment method. Check our [refund policy] for details on how refunds work.
9. Chargebacks:
Starting a chargeback without trying to solve the issue with us first may result in your account being suspended and legal action to get any unpaid money.
10. Contact Us:
If you have any questions or concerns about our payment terms, please contact us at [support@vogueleatherfashion.com].
Thank you for shopping at Vogue Leather Fashion! We appreciate your business and look forward to providing you with high-quality leather clothing.